In today’s world, Erectile Dysfunction isn’t a big issue as it was earlier. With advancement in medicines, men get hard by consuming them in no time. The most well known drug that comes to the mind when we think of getting hard is ‘Viagra’. Without any further knowledge people rush to buy Viagra, not having any idea about its best alternatives that actually works great, sometimes even better than the “mighty Viagra
Depending upon Viagra is not at all good for health in a the long run as this sex enhancing medicine will take away the capability to get hard in future followed by prolong illness and side effects. Viagra is meant for instant erection; sadly people tend to consume it every now and then without thinking about the severe side effects by high dosage. There’s a saying “Nothing comes easy” Pill is not the easy peasy solution, to achieve a great sexual health one must need to work hard in order to achieve naturally healthy penis. The best alternatives to Viagra come in both medicine and natural from.
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Instant pills to save the day

Other than Viagra 200 mg (Sildenafil Citrate) , sex enhancing drugs like Ciais (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil) are the wonders created by the medical science to serve men with erectile dysfunction. In general, these pills are quite same like Viagra as all of these relax the muscles and direct the oxygenated blood flow to the penis. However, there’s a minor differences in them regarding the effect and wear off.
- Levitra – This drug enhancing medicine is taken with or without food. It often starts to work within 30 minutes and last long for 5 hours which is more than Viagra as it tends to last long for only 4 hours. It’s advised to avoid grapes and grape juice before or after consuming Levitra 10mg tablets as it may cause side effects.
- Cialis – It is also known as the “weekend pill” because this pill works for 36 hours absolutely rocking your weekend! It doesn’t mean that a penis will be erected for straight 36 hours! When the arousal occurs this pill will ensure instant erection up to 36 hours of consumption. Cialis 20mg tablets not only instantly helps to erect the penis but also improves the condition of a soft penis with its appropriate intake unlike Viagra and any other sex enhancing pill.
- Generic medicines – The generic ED drugs are nothing but the active ingredient of the main pill. Sildenafil in Viagra, Vardenafil in Levitra and tadalafil in Cialis. The main pills are the amalgamations of different components but the generic pills are entirely made of the active ingredients that are completely responsible for the blood flow to the penis.
Mother nature got your back

There are so many alternatives to Viagra in the nature basket that no one can think of. From roots to plants and spices the vanity is overloaded. Nature allows to have the cheap yet affective options to Viagra.
- Stunning seeds – Flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are enriched with zinc that helps in maintenance of prostate gland and are also known great sex boosters.
- Wonder roots – Ginger, maca root, red ginseng etc are the great contributors to ayurvedic medicines that help to correct impotence for more than centuries. These are the warm herbs that are utilized to stimulate the blood all over the body and increase the testosterone level.
- Fabulous fruits – Juicy fruits with high water retention like watermelons, melons, lime, peaches, etc are loaded with multi vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall health and helps the blood vessels down there to relax and performs its function in a better way.
Apart from above items one must include leafy veggies and pulses in their diet for that extra dose of goodness. Having all the things in diet can help men achieve the erection without depending upon the Viagra. The best thing about the natural alternative is that they have minimum side effects that are harmless in every way and day by day they strengthens the groin area making a person capable of achieving an erection without depending upon any medication.
Ditch Viagra! grind your way out

Nothing comes easy! Working out is the best option to be fit and HARD! Physical activity is a key to healthy lifestyle and happy soul. When it comes to deflated penis, nothing works better than indulging in exercise and let the blood rush the body and the best part is ‘It won’t burn a hole in pockets’ Yay!
- Swim your worries away – Swimming is a good form of physical activity. It will move every muscle in the body. It increases endorphins, in layman language it is known as “feel good hormones”, that helps to increase testosterone and estrogen level by reducing the stress level.
- Get on the floor for some kegel! – Floor-pelvic exercise or kegel exercise is one of the best exercises to improve erectile dysfunction without using any pill. The kegel exercise involves contraction and relaxation of pelvic. It strengthens the groin area and help in relieving problems down there like urinary issues and erectile dysfunction. It is by far the best and cheap alternative to Viagra.
External care

All the above points are focused on medications, food, and physical activities. Now there are other methods that can be easily replace Viagra. These methods are the done externally on the body to achieve an erection.
- Acupressure – there are certain pressure points on the body, when the pressure is exerted on that point it can do wonders by improving the issue in no time. To correct erectile dysfunction there are pressure points on legs and ankles that is need to be pressed multiple times to see great results. To know more in depth click on to the link
- Massage – “you’re few massages away from healthy penis” Massage is an ancient technique that rejuvenates and calms the body. Massage helps to activate the body by revitalizing muscles, veins and skin. Due to this the blood flow in the body circulates evenly. To fix erectile dysfunction massage thoroughly in groin all around in circular motions multiple time for few days.
- Therapeutic oils – Well, massage is not possible without oil. To make it work 100% add essential natural oils infused with minerals that will enhance the condition down there. Oils like rosemary, lavender, fennel, sesame, etc are known to be used by many Vedic in ancient times. These oils are known to lift the mood which relieves from stress and that enhances the level of testosterone. Swoon in the enchanted atmosphere with few drops of hot essential oils.
Important note for readers –
In the rush of life don’t get carried away with instant solutions for short term pleasures. Sometimes, thee shortcuts becomes the habit and once that activity is inhibited the health’s going to suffer. Viagra is the instant solution which is meant to be consumed appropriately. The regular consumption weakens the penis within along with other organs that causes long term ailment to many health problems. Many think Viagra is the quick fix to keep erectile dysfunction at bay without having any clue there’s much more to the Viagra! Stop and look around, there’s so much the nature offers that won’t only helps to get hard but will improve the condition down there naturally without any side effects. Physical activities will enhance overall health and the ability to get erection. Once in a while Viagra is fine but making it a habit will only cause health issues in future. Adopting all the natural ways will be friendly to your mind, health, and soul.