Viagra is one of the most popular medications opted by men for treating their problems of erectile dysfunction. In fact, ever since the patent of Pfizer on the brand Viagra expired and the world started producing its own generic form of Viagra – the market grew up to be a multi-million dollar industry opening doors for men to use Viagra recreationally.
As a result men started hunting for their healthy dose of Viagra across drugstores and online pharmacies to get the supplies on time. As the market grew both offline and online, today people can find more than 20 million websites online selling Viagra or similar products! The market is growing at such fast pace that it is indeed difficult to control on the gigantic generic sale of the drug now.
To cut it short, it’s not just difficult to buy genuine Viagra online but also makes it hard to figure out if the purchase is going to be safe for you! Here are five things you should before you order Viagra online!
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The fake market of Viagra pills

The fake market of generic Viagra has grown to be a full-fledged industry today. Pfizer’s patent expiry led to the generic medication manufacturers to target the brand and find out cheap alternatives to their compositions. While the prime ingredient remains as Sildenafil Citrate the rest of the composition can be anything from paint, colours, powders, generic drugs or harmful chemicals. These products have reached market by way of minimarts, gully shops, back-alley shops and of course the internet.
Virility Drug sold online cannot be vouched for its authenticity, origin or safety!
About 77% of the Viagra market is majorly a fake medication outlay selling drugs in the name of Viagra. Offering similar compositions with half informed ingredients, labeled cheap Viagra online and doses designed to suit just like a real Viagra dose – these can be mistaken to be original by anyone. The need is to know which ones are worth purchasing!
Incorrect dosage can harm more!

Viagra is a blue diamond shaped pill that was originally introduced in a dose of 100mg Sildenafil Citrate. It further was classified into small doses to suit the needs of the patients around the world. But due to the drug being chosen to be used recreationally, most of the men using it without consultation with the doctors opt for a higher doses not knowing the possible side-effects.,
Viagra is a virility drug that interacts with other medicines and health problems to cash an effect into the body. Any negligence in terms of dosage or regular use can be harmful for people’s health. To determine what suits your bodily needs it is advisable to consult your doctor first and get a dose prescribed for healthy life.
P.S. Opt for a smaller dose to begin with!
Price of Viagra and its effects

When Pfizer’s Viagra was launched with its trademark of blue diamond shaped pills in a pack of four priced at around $25 for a pack. The price of the Viagra pills was too high to fit into the pockets of the middle or lower income class for regular use. And therefore it wasn’t purchased or used without enough medical reasons or doctor’s prescriptions. The growing market of generic Viagra and fake Viagra pills slashed down the prices making the purchase easier.
The cheap Viagra pills of compromised quality look similar to the original Viagra but come for lesser the price and higher health hazards. It is better to know about the existing price structure of original Viagra in the market from trusted sources and then go about purchasing.
Authentic pharmacies

A number of online pharmacies sell fake Viagra, herbal supplements, jellies and powders of potent sexual benefits in the name of Viagra. These aren’t just harmful in nature but also cannot be defined of solicited existence. Online purchase of medicines from pharmacies needs deeper scanning of authenticity of the website and its ability of sell genuine products.
Look out for online pharmacies with seal from FDA and USDA to check on its authenticity!
One can check the authentic existence of an online pharmacy by checking if they are registered to be an online pharmacy with the government. Further you can check if the pharmacy is FDA approved, Registered under USDA and follows the guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). Going for more reputable pharmacies, doctor’s recommendations or review of a friend can be a better choice.
Doctor’s consultation

Virility drug like Viagra needs to be undertaken only after consultation and prescribed medical treatment from a solicited medical practitioner. And so it is best to visit your doctor to establish if you are indeed facing erectile dysfunction or impotency problems. The doctors then choose an ideal drug for you which can be Cialis, Levitra, or any other Virility drug and not necessarily Viagra. Although they are a lot similar ED drugs the composition of medicine and the effects of it are very different.
It is best to take your doctor’s guidance and get a prescription signed – as most authentic online pharmacies require doctor’s prescription for selling the drugs to you!
Online purchasing of Viagra is a skeptical one. But if you practice due filtering based on the authenticity and genuineness of platforms and products – it’s a swift ride. Expect a positive change to come to your sexual life with Viagra, the virility drug with profound effects for men erectile dysfunction!