how long does viagra (Sildenafil) last

How long does Viagra (Sildenafil) last for?

Viagra (Sildenafil) or the blue pill has been able to save a million lives or shall we say, ‘sex lives’ of a million men. The pill came into the market in 1998 & has been popular ever since. Be it a person who’s been taking this pill from quite some time or a newbie who’s jotted down a long list of questions regarding the medicine. Some of the questions that arise are,

How long does Viagra (Sildenafil) last for? How long does it stay in your system? How long does it take for Viagra to start working?

Before we answer this particular question, let’s look at some of the factors that influence the effect of Viagra on the person’s body.

A recent study conducted shows the effects of the pill in the first 24 hours after consumption.

Here’s something interesting to look at:

  • First Twelve Minutes: Some users experienced an erection in the very first twelve minutes after taking the pill.

  • Twenty Seven Minutes: While some of them achieved an erection in the first twelve minutes, some of them didn’t. A few researchers noted down the results and saw that the average response time to Viagra was just 27 minutes.

  • Fifty Seven Minutes: Doctors suggest that you should wait for an hour before being able to see results. After almost an hour, you’ll be able to see that your penis has reached to its maximum erection stage. This is the reason why experts suggest that Viagra should be consumed one hour before sex.

  • Four hours: The effect of this drug reduces to almost 50% after four hours which indicates its half-life(of about four hours).
  • Ten Hours: Even after ten hours, men could still get an erection. It was found that it wasn’t that hard to get an erection even after ten hours of consumption.
  • Twelve Hours: After twelve hours, some men could still experience an erection but it didn’t last for more than 15 minutes.
  • Twenty Four Hours: The effects of Viagra wither away after a day. The traces of the drug totally disappear from the bloodstream.

The length of time varies from person to person but Viagra has known to work for up to 5 hours when used alongside sexual stimulation.
However, there are certain factors that come into play when talking about an individual’s situation. Therefore, it’s always suggested to consult your doctor before taking this medicine if you’re on any medication or have a medical history.

Effective Time of Viagra

The effective time of Viagra is approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour (in some cases). If you’re on an empty stomach, the effects of the medicine can be experienced within the very first hour of consumption. The effects can stay for as long as 5 hours. You need to be sexually stimulated for the effects to take place. If it’s taking too long for you to get hard, there might be a few factors that might cause the issue.

Factors which Decide how Long does Viagra last for

  • Age: The metabolic rate or the metabolism of the body tends to slow down with age. It is generally seen in men over 65 years of age that the pill stays in their body for a longer duration of time.
  • Diet: The amount of fat in your diet can delay the effect of this medicine. It is therefore advised to consume this medicine on an empty stomach.

  • Alcohol: The amount of alcohol you take decreases the blood flow to the penis. This makes it harder to get an erection & maintain it. Doctors suggest that one should not drink more than 2 units of alcohol as it can stop the Viagra from working.
  • Dosage: Don’t just follow the rule of thumb on your own; meaning that higher the dose, the better the effects will be. Sildenafil comes in various doses such as 20mg, 50mg, 100mg, 120mg & 200mg and they all last long for typically the same time. It totally depends upon your doctor which dose to prescribe & obviously, which is appropriate for you in that particular situation.
  • General Health: If your health condition is poor or you suffer from any kidney or liver problems, the effects could last longer. It will take time for the body to break down & digest it properly. Therefore, you should always tell the doctor if you suffer from any of the problems or are currently on any medication.
  • Medications & Drug Interactions: Medicines such as antibiotics can alter the effects of this drug. You should be crystal clear about your medical history or any other health-related problems while discussing it with your doctor.

So, now that you know the answer to the question “How long does Viagra (Sildenafil) last for?”, it’s time to look at some of the rare cases that can happen after consuming it.

Some Rare Cases that can Happen

In some rare cases, a condition called ‘Priapism‘ occurs. It is often seen in cases where some illegal drugs were consumed or the medicine had been taken in combination with any other drug. In Priapism, the penis stays erect for more than 4 hours. This is a very painful condition which can cause permanent damage to the penis. You should seek medical attention immediately if this condition arises.

What is the Shelf Life of Viagra

Experts suggest that the effects of the drug can be best experienced within its first year of manufacture. Though there isn’t an exact answer for the shelf life of Viagra, it can still work well even after 3-4 years if a proper temperature is maintained. It is recommended to keep this medication away from heat and moisture. The shelf life of Viagra can be increased by keeping the medicine in a dark environment away from any sunlight or in opaque pill cases. The effects of this drug tend to diminish after the expiration date and so, you’re likely to experience some mild effects of the medicine.

How can Viagra Last Longer

Due to our sedentary lifestyle, we’ve given rise to so many diseases that we’ve become completely dependent upon them. For a person suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED), there are certain lifestyle changes that could be made to help Viagra last longer in the body.

  • Healthy Diet: You should lessen the amount of fat in your diet & eat whole grains, fruits & vegetables. A balanced diet helps to shape up & tone the body.
  • Stop Drinking: You should definitely avoid alcohol when consuming this ED drug as it can stop it from working. Even if you drink, drink no more than 2 units of alcohol.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking has adverse effects on the body of the person. If you stop smoking, you’ll not only feel better but it’ll also boost your cardiorespiratory endurance.

  • Exercise & Exercise: Exercise is not only beneficial for people suffering from ED but for everyone. It improves physical & mental health and also helps to reduce the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction.

For newbies who are keen to know about what happens when you take Viagra or how much medicine one should take the first time should consult a doctor before taking any decision on their own. Sildenafil is basically a drug which is used to treat the medical condition in men known as ‘Erectile Dysfunction (ED)’. It works by boosting the blood flow to the penis.

Does Viagra work in Women?

Viagra has been made to use for treating the problem of ED in men only. There are some theories which suggest the use of Viagra in women to increase the blood flow to the vaginal area and enhance sexual desire in them. However, it hasn’t been intended for use by women and thus, is only approved by the FDA for treatment of the problem of ED only.

Taking Viagra is not necessary if you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. Your doctor may advise you to consume this tablet for a better sex life but the cure lies in your own hands. As mentioned above, a few changes in your lifestyle can help you to improve the symptoms of this problem & help you lead a better life.

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