How much Icariin Equals to Viagra?

You must have heard of horny goat weed or Icariin supplement which is often suggested to be taken as an alternative Viagra (sildenafil) for male sexual problems. Even some studies have claimed that Icariin can work as if sildenafil in the system and boost male sexual health. But, the trouble arises when it comes to considering its dose. Like Viagra, there is no specific dose prescribed by experts or doctors. Indeed, horny goat weed is an herb and of course raw, so how does one know how much does he has to intake? Well, we might help out. In this post, we will be discussing horny goat weed (Icariin), Viagra (sildenafil), and how much Icariin equals Viagra. Alongside, we will discuss some natural alternatives to Viagra and Icariin.

Let’s get started!

What is Icariin or Horny Goat Weed?

Horny Goat Weed or Icariin is an herb generally found in Chinese reigns. It has around 15 species and its leaves are used to make medicine. Some recent studies concluded that Icariin can help treat sexual performance problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE), and low sexual libido. As well, it is found that it could also improve osteoporosis (brittle bones), health issues that develop after menopause, and joint pain conditions.

However, there is less evidence that Horny Goat Weed or Icariin could help with such conditions. But people used it and believe it works. But, the question is how?

How does Horny Goat Weed (Icariin) work? Horny Goat Weed contains a sort of chemicals that are said to increase blood flow to contracted penile arteries for better erection i.e. filling penile tissues or corpus cavernosa to fill with adequate blood to develop an erection.

Moreover, some question about Icariin was asked, “Does Icariin increase testosterone?” so it is not yet concluded how it boosts male sexual libido– but testosterone levels are definitely a reason. It is possible that Icariin also boosts testosterone levels in males.

What is Viagra?

Well, because you are already here, we know Viagra is something you are pretty familiar with. Viagra containing sildenafil citrate is one of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications that improve male erection issues.

Medicines like Viagra belong to a group of medicines called phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. These medicines are vasodilators that improve male erection by relaxing and widening contracted penile arteries and increasing blood flow to the penis in an adequate amount to develop an erection.

Well, Viagra (sildenafil) is the most recommended drug among all– Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra. Because it has optimal effectiveness and is less likely to develop any sort of side effects or health conditions.

Moreover, talking about the first-line treatments for erectile dysfunction, Viagra (sildenafil) is the first doctor-recommended prescription medicine. Because it is proving its strength and effect since the late 1990s when it got FDA approval.

Icariin vs. Viagra

Here comes the debate point, whether you should go for Icariin because it is a natural supplement or Viagra 200 mg because it is a proven prescription medicine? Well, it is somewhat complicated but we will explain it well enough.

It often depends on the individual preference and needs. Because both these erectile dysfunction treatments differ in effect, lasting period, and working mechanism– it is a kind of choosy decision.

Icariin is a great choice if you want to avoid medicines for treating your sexual condition or prefer natural treatments. Icariin or Horny Goat Weed also has a long-lasting effect on one’s erection. Icariin also has less to no side effects or consequences which makes it a go– but, it definitely takes longer to kick off and fix.

On the other hand, Viagra containing sildenafil is definitely a great medicine that proves to work for poor erections. It is best when one has to get into sexual activity and wants to keep his erectile health normal for a couple of hours. Viagra medication improves blood rush to penile tissues upon sexual stimulation for a couple of hours– and this helps get or keep an erection effortlessly, even if you have ED. So those, who look for treatments that suppress ED, Viagra is definitely the go for you, otherwise Icariin.

How much Icariin equals to Viagra?

Now comes the real question– how much Icariin or horny goat weed is equal to Viagra or sildenafil citrate. Well, when it comes to Viagra medication, for a man with some level of erection issues can go from 50mg to 100mg doses as they are optimal and effective enough to help get or keep the erection.

But what about Icariin or horny goat weed?

Icariin is available as a supplement and its label often have the dosage instructions. But if they do not have it, it is good to seek a doctor’s help who could analyze your health condition or need and recommend an ideal dose. Or, the best thumb rule of prescription is, 1 tablet of 500mg is enough within 24 hours.

Since Icariin is not much available in lower doses, it is important to avoid overdosing to evade any health consequences. However, it is not often seen Icariin develop any side effects.

Icariin alternatives/other natural ED supplements

Do you think Icariin or horny goat weed is the only natural supplement that helps improve male erectile function? Well, there are a couple of other supplements that work too. Some good natural supplements that improve male sexual health include;

Korean red ginseng

Korean red ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng is a type of ginseng which is found in Korea and Chinese regions. It is backed by science that Korean red ginseng work as natural Viagra as it relaxes and widens contracted penile arteries to boost erectile health. It is also claimed that it works as an aphrodisiac to improve sexual desire.


L-arginine is a natural supplement that is a great source of amino acids. The amino acid in our body helps regulate nitric oxide levels in the body to keep arteries healthy. Since erectile dysfunction occurs due to contracted arteries, L-arginine supplement could work by relaxing and widening penile arteries for better blood flow i.e. healthy erections.


Yohimbe is an African plant herb that is considered to have aphrodisiac properties that uplift sexual libido and help with better sexual stimulation. Often, erectile dysfunction is not physical but psychological, and Yohimbe could help recover and get a healthy erection.

Rhodiola Rosea

It is also one of the natural supplements which are evidenced to have both vasodilating and aphrodisiac nature. Daily dosage of Rhodiola Rosea can improve both erectile function and sexual libido for better stimulation. However, Rhodiola Rosea lacks studies to be proven as an effective ED treatment– but reviews support its usage.

These are some Icariin or horny goat weed alternatives that are effective and could help with male erectile disorder.


Both Icariin/Horny Goat Weed and Viagra/Sildenafil Citrate are good treatment options for erectile dysfunction. But wonder which one would work best for you or more importantly, if yes, how much Icariin equals to Viagra when it comes to dosage– you already got help. Well, there are some other effective natural supplements for ED that work indeed.

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